Monday, January 19, 2015

Do you want to feel better about what you’re putting in your body and confident that it is what your body needs?

IDLife’s FREE online Health Assessment is based on your diet, lifestyle, physical condition, body type, health issues and medications and backed by medical and scientific studies.  This assessment will provide you a personalized set of supplement recommendations (IDNutrition) to fill the nutrition gaps in your diet.

When you start taking IDNutrition you will feel the difference because for the first time you will be taking exactly what your body needs, when it needs it.  But more importantly, IDNutrition begins a natural cleansing of the toxins and impurities your body has been storing from products that contain processed and artificial ingredients.

Through industry leading absorption rates, you can have comfort in knowing that your body is receiving the full benefits of the nutrients being ingested, and that those nutrients are designed to address your nutritional deficiencies with pharmaceutical grade supplementation.

At IDLife we understand that no two people are alike; you’re unique and your nutrition should be too.

If you would like to take advantage of our FREE Health Assessment, or view more information about IDNutrition, I welcome you to explore my website

Feel free to reach out to me at (512) 577-7365 or with any questions you may have.

Please let me know how I can be of service to you moving forward. Would love to discuss how you live your Individually Designed Life by becoming an Associate.

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